Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Gorgeous Little George.

Once upon a time ago, I came upon a lovely little website called 'Gorgeous Little George' and what seriously, gorgeous clothes they have!
Jack (gorgeous Jack!) let mummy use him as a model, so he could show off this amazing tee:

Ok, so Jack is not the easiest of models to work with. Asking a baby to sit perfectly straight so mummy can see what the writing says, is not an easy task. But, seriously, look at his cute, chubby little face!


And doesn't he look proud. 

If you get the chance to have look at some of their other tees and things, please do. Plus the t-shirt is from American Apparel, so the quality is great.

Jack had so many people coming up to him at the hotel and asking what it said on his tee and then they asked about my blog, so great publicity too. 

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