It wasn't so much the topic or the fact I was being filmed, more to the point it was going to be LIVE!
If you know me, you know that I am a bit of a klutz sometimes I don't think before I speak, and a lot of the time I am quite clumsy. I had visions of Bridget Jones in her first live TV appearance where she got stuck down a fireman's pole (ooh matron).
But, once we got started, it was just such an amazing time. Becky Overton, is just the easiest person to talk to and instantly put me at ease and Helena is, of course, a pro.
You can catch the clip on the post below. I am far too critical of myself, so have watched it once and that is enough...
A huge thank you to Jessica Feldman, Sarah (lovely PR wonder woman) and Becky, the Arnie & Barnie producer who were all so so lovely.
Blimey, it's like I have won a bloody Oscar...
That's next year...